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Wednesday, 21 July 2010

A Mysterious Tree in NALGONDA (Andra Pradesh-India) Unbelievable Carving of Animals

At a glance you may be confused the above tree with a massive trunk with a 'Baobab' tree (which is renowned to possess the largest tree trunks of the world) but, this is yet another unknown specie which is seen in the close proximity of a hermitage deep in the dense forest in 'Andra Pradesh' in India.

Now have a close look at the bark and experience the unbelievable figures of creatures engraved in the surface of the entire tree trunk!! 

Most people believe that its not real but the locals said that it is as it no one have ever touched it....tell me what you think about it Unbelievable or just an artistic work!!

Sailing and Moving Rocks and Stones of Death Valley

The mysterious moving stones of the packed-mud desert of Death Valley have been a center of scientific controversy for decades. Rocks weighing up to hundreds of pounds have been known to move up to hundreds of yards at a time. Some scientists have proposed that a combination of strong winds and surface ice account for these movements. However, this theory does not explain evidence of different rocks starting side by side and moving at different rates and in disparate directions. Moreover, the physics calculations do not fully support this theory as wind speeds of hundreds of miles per hour would be needed to move some of the stones. 

Columnar Basalt cool lava

When a thick lava flow cools it contracts vertically but cracks perpendicular to its directional flow with remarkable geometric regularity - in most cases forming a regular grid of remarkable hexagonal extrusions that almost appear to be made by man. The size of the columns depends loosely on the rate of cooling; very rapid cooling may result in very small (<1 cm diameter) columns, while slow cooling is more likely to produce large columns. One of the most famous such examples is the Giant's Causeway on the coast of Ireland (shown above) though the largest and most widely recognized would be Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Basalt also forms different but equally fascinating ways when eruptions are exposed to air or water.

Blue Hole in Sea and Oceans

Blue holes are giant and sudden drops in underwater elevation that get their name from the dark and foreboding blue tone they exhibit when viewed from above in relationship to surrounding waters. They can be hundreds of feet deep and while divers are able to explore some of them they are largely devoid of oxygen that would support sea life due to poor water circulation - leaving them eerily empty. Some blue holes, however, contain ancient fossil remains that have been discovered, preserved in their depths.

Buddhist priest burned himself without making a single sound !!!

In 1963 Thich Quang Duc, the Buddhist priest in Southern Vietnam , burns himself to death protesting the government's torture policy against priests. Thich Quang Dug never even made a sound or even moved while he was burning. Even the people loking at him had the feeling as if he is sitting leisurely... 

Man becoming (Self-induced Evolving) Into A TIGER

To What Extend Can A Human Go ,,
. No one can answer. But this man can give us some idea. This is not a legend. A man got obsessed by a strange desire of becoming tiger (or somewhat tiger-like). He has undergone several painful operations to modify his body to achieve his goal. 

This photo is showing the convexity of the lower forehead, which he got after placing silicon pads.. This photo is showing the cut upper lip. He stitched it to get this. He wears a specail cat-eye (or tiger-eye) lens. He has elongated his nails and have made them cut in a tiger like manner.. He has also been operated by a dentist who has enlarged his canines and shaped the incisors into the canines. And This is the FINAL Face of the Tiger-Man we were Discussing....Amazing....huh!?! Tags: unbelievable facts world facts animal facts hard fact animal facts human facts accidents world record dictionary sex facts fastest strongest longest dangerous horrible love and romance facts evolution tiger man becoming tiger tiger becoming tiger operation animalism self induced

World's Smallest Girl !!

Her tiny form is disarming. But Jyoti Amge's dreams are as big as those of her friends.At 15 she stands just 1ft 11½in tall and weighs less than a stone, giving her one very big claim to fame - as the smallest girl in the world.Doctors believe Jyoti is a pituitary dwarf but have never been able to pinpoint her condition.Such dwarfism is caused when the body fails to produce enough growth hormone.
Jyoti, centre, with some of her classmates - also aged 15. Her little grey uniform is specially made for herSpecialists have told her she will remain the same size for the rest of her life.'When I was three I realised that I was different to the rest of the kids,' she said.'I thought that everyone was bigger and I should get bigger too.'Jyoti has her own mini grey uniform and school bag and even a tiny desk. But she looks like a doll next to her teenage classmates.She said: 'I am proud of being the smallest girl. I love all the attention I get. I'm not scared of being small, and I don't regret being small. Jyoti, centre, is the world's smallest girl - but still attends school with her classmates, who she says don't treat her any differently..
She works from her custom made chair and table but her pens and books are still rather too large for her'I am sure there are many people in this world who are dwarfs like me.'I'm just the same as other people. I eat like you, dream like you. I don't feel any different.'Weighing 12lb - only 9lb more than her weight at birth, Jyoti dreams of becoming an actress.Despite her size she insists on living as normal a life as possible in her home town of Nagpur in India - including going to the local school.'When I first went to school everyone was so big I used to get scared but I'm okay now, I like it. I have a different desk and chair that were made for me. I'm a normal student.
Jyoti with a family friend - who, at 13 months, is already bigger than she isShe is also like any other teenage girl. 'I have a huge collection of dresses. I like to shop for more. Everyone in my family gets things for me. I love make-up and like dressing up like beautiful models. I would like to be an actress when I grow up. My dream is to do films.'Jyoti has already had a taste of fame in a pop video for Indian star Mika Singh.'They asked her to appear in the video for a song on his album,' said her mother Ranjana Amge, 45.However, Jyoti's dreams of stardom could be ruined because of fractures to both her legs that have never healed because of problems with her size.
Baby of the family: With sister Rupali, 18, Archana, 23, mother Ranjana Amge, 45,, father Kishan, 52, and brother Satish, 22
Jyoti is taken to school on brother Satish's motorbike, along with sister Archana'First I could walk, but I slipped on ice during a holiday and hurt my leg. I find it strange that my legs just don't heal. I don't like it, it causes me pain.'Mrs Amge said: 'No-one knows why she is so small. Jyoti is small, yet cute, and we love her very much.'People in the region of India where the family live flock to see the teenager and some even treat her as a goddess.She receives a lot of support from her brother and two sisters. Oldest sister Archana, 25, said: 'I have been taking care of her since she was a small baby. She is so delicate and fragile.'During her first five years of life, brave Jyoti was in and out of hospital as she constantly fell sick, but eventually she grew stronger.The teenager's father Kishan Amge, 52, a construction worker  said .

A Baby Born with two 2 faces, two 2 mouths and four 4 eyes!!!

The baby girl was born in the rural Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, 50km north east of New Delhi.
Her parents, Vinod and Susham Singh from a village called Saini, said their little girl was "a gift from God".
And while she may seem like an oddity to some, her proud parents think she is simply a God reincarnated.

The baby is fed by hand. Doctors say she can eat normally with both mouths
Lali was born with a rare condition called craniofacial duplication, where a single head has two faces.
Doctors who delivered the baby said she appeared to be in good health, and is leading a normal life with no breathing difficulties.
They were initially uncertain whether the baby would have normal functions but say so far she is "doing well" and eating from both of her two mouths.
She also opens and shuts all four eyes at the same time.
Villages offer the newborn gifts and money!!

A Man Fitted a Camera in his Eye (Eye replaced by Digital Camera) And Turned Himself Into A walking Camera!!

Canadian film maker Rob Spence, who damaged his right eye in a childhood accident, is determined to replace it with a digital camera. "Team Eyeborg" has just succeeded in fitting Spence with an artificial eyeLED – a step towards a camera-containing synthetic eye. containing a working LED a step towards a camera-containing synthetic eye. Spence and engineer Kosta Gramatis have succeeded in placing a working red LED in Spence's eye giving him a look similar from Arnold Schwarzenegger's cyborg in The Terminator. This camera will record everything that enters Spence's field of vision and relay the footage back to a computer. That video will provide a unique perspective on the way video surveillance is becoming more popular in western societies... This image shows the components of the camera now present in his eye.

Worlds Largest EGG (OMELET) & (OMELETTE)

An omelette or omelet is a preparation of beaten egg quickly cooked with butter or oil in a frying pan, usually folded around a filling such as cheese, vegetable, meet , or some combination of the above.

A Normal sized omelet! World's Largest OMELET or OMELETTE!!!
The world’s largest omelet was created by the Lung Association in Brockville Memorial Centre in Ontario, Canada. It took place on May 22, 2002, and it weighed 2.95 tons (6,510 lbs).

World’s Biggest & Largest DESSERT "tiramisu "

A dozen chefs in France have laid claim to rustling up the world's largest Tiramisu dessert, weighing over a ton (1070 Kg+) and having to be stored in an ice rink.

                     "It has now been officially recognised by Guiness World Records"  

The cooks worked through the night at a food fair in Villeurbanne near Lyon, in order to complete the record attempt.
The dessert utilized:
  • 4,000 eggs
  • 300kg of mascarpone cheese
  • 60kg of cream
  • 180kg of biscuits
  • 12kg of chocolate
  • 5kg of cocoa powder
  • and 192 kg of sugar.
Weighing in at nearly 1,076kg (2,372 lb) the giant tiramisu - which means "pick me up" in Italian!!

Longest cell of Human body

Cells are of microscopic size but some of them are quit long though they still cannot be seen with naked eye.

  One of them is neuron. It is the longest cell of human body, motor neurons are about 4 ft 3 in (1.3 m) long. they have cell bodies in the lower spinal cord with axons that carry nerve impulses from the spinal cord down to big toe. Ofcourse the longest cell will be of the longest man of the world. Tags: longest human cell neuron nerve neuron fact unbelievable facts world facts animal facts hard fact animal facts human facts accidents world record dictionary sex facts fastest strongest longest dangerous horrible love and romance facts

Most active Muscle of Human Body

The most active Muscle of the human body is the muscle of the eye. It has been estimated that it moves about more than 100,000 times a day. And the more incrible thing is that most of these movements which are quit rapid takes place when we are sleeping i.e; when during the sleeping phase.

Person With Longest Finger Nails ( Holy S@!T )

Admit it, you’re obsessed with knowing who has the longest fingernails in the world. We are too! To our best knowledge, we have found the current world recorder holder for the longest fingernails to be Lee Redmond (USA). Ms. Redmond, who hasn’t cut her nails since 1979, has grown and carefully manicured them to reach a total length of 7 m 51.3 cm (24 ft 7.8 in).

Fence post in Fisher man's Ass !!! ( THAT HURTS )

This is an emergency room photo of a fisherman who lost control of his high-speed bass boat in West Virginia. Warden's believe that he was traveling at a speed of approximately 75 mph at the time of the accident. He was unable to negotiate a curve in the narrow waterway. Unfortunately for him, upon striking the shoreline and being ejected from the boat, he landed back end first on an old fence post. You can probably picture what happened next, but the picture really says it all. The good news is that after about 6 months, this man made a full recovery after suffering a shattered hip, broken leg, several broken ribs, internal injuries and soft tissue damage. Doctors credited his recovery to the fact that the post lodged itself so tightly that there was little or no blood loss. Now that's got to hurt!!!

Arrow in a man's Head (Skull)

Doctors at Portland's University Hospital said Wednesday an Oregon man shot through the skull by a hunting arrow is lucky to be alive and will be released soon from the hospital. Tony Roberts, 25, lost his right eye last weekend during an initiation into a men's rafting club, Mountain Men Anonymous, in Grants Pass, Ore. A friend tried to shoot a beer can off his head, but the arrow entered Roberts' right eye. Doctors said had the arrow gone 1 millimeter to the left, a major blood vessel would have cut and Roberts would have died instantly. Neurosurgeon Dr. Johnny Delashaw at the University Hospital in Portland said the arrow went through 8 to 10 inches of brain, with the tip protruding at the rear of his skull, yet somehow managed to miss all major blood vessels. Delashaw also said had Robert tried to pull the arrow out on his own he surely would have killed himself. Roberts admitted afterwards he and his friends had been drinking that afternoon. Roberts said, ``I feel so dumb about this.'' No charges have been filed but the Josephine County district attorney's office said the initiation stunt is under investigation.

A very Old 24 Cents Jenny Stamp sells for $825,000

The rare 1918 24-cent stamp, depicting an upside-down Curtis JN-4 biplane known as "Jenny," was sold privately this week to a Wall Street executive who did not want to be identified.

The Worlds Really A Small Place

The following pictures are one of the best visual pictures that I have ever seen, that shows pretty clearly just how insignificant earth actually is. If you’ve ever had trouble grasping the true sizes involved in astronomy and the size of earth compared to other planets and stars, then here u can make them clear. The scales involved are mind boggleing. You just won’t BELIEVE how huge and mind blowingly big they are. Be ready to feel SMALL :) 

Here are the inner planets, the small rocky bodies cloe to the sun and Earth looks pretty big here. Our neighbour is almost our size, but we are the biggest of the bunch. 

As we travel farther out, we encounter gas giants, huge balls of gas that are make our inner planets seem so small in comparison.Even Pluto is barely visible here.

Arcturus is one of the brightest stars in the sky, and you can see that size is one reason why in comparison to our sun. Notice that Earth isn’t even visible at this scale, and Jupiter, the giant among planets in our system, is just a single pixel o

But even Arcturus is dwarfed by the super-giants, massive red stars that would swallow huge chunk of our solar system. Antares and Betelgeuse, if they were placed at our Sun’s location, would easily envelope Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars … Antares’ So u see how small we r n how small r our dreams of having GREAT PALACES n GIANT KINGDOMS as compared to the UNIVERSE!!!